Sensorimotor method application in combat training course for police officers
PhD, Associate Professor E.I. Troyan
Tyumen Institute for Advanced Studies of the Staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Tyumen
Modern police officers’ training systems give a high priority to the vital combat training tools and skills, albeit the coaches have to fight against time in the standard combat training courses striving to help the officers master a wide range of combat skills in very short time, being fully aware of the fact that the combat skills are survival and critical for success of the police service. That is the reason why the police training community has long been searching for the most efficient training tools and models for reasonably better training of the officers in short period of time. Tyumen Institute for Advanced Studies of the Staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
has made its contribution to the above process by the persistent research projects, and lately marked success in the efforts to develop an efficient short-time combat training course for the national police system, with a special emphasis on the sensorimotor method application in combat training practices.
The new short-time combat training course was found beneficial as verified by the significant progress in the Experimental Group that was 5.2% higher than in the Reference Group, with the sensorimotor method tested highly efficient for the course purposes.
Keywords: sensorimotor method, combat tools , physical training; police officers.
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