Gifted football referees’ promotion in professional football
PhD A.D. Budogossky
All-Russian Association "Football Referee Training Center", Moscow
The study analyzes benefits of the special four-level Gifts and Trainers Program designed to select, recommend and promote promising referees in the professional national football system. The study data and analysis demonstrate that the Gifts and Trainers Program offers an efficient toolkit for selection, training and promotion of the best professional football referees. The training and promotion model was found highly efficient in the present situation as verified by the inflow of new highly skilled referees who have successfully served the professional competitions in the Junior League Finals, First Football League and National Football League. The Gifts and Trainers Program offers an unbiased and transparent framework for the football referees’ training, screening, qualification and promotion, with only the highly knowledgeable and skillful people offered the promotion opportunities. The Program was acknowledged by the national football expert community for its totally unbiased qualification principles and may be recommended for application by the regional refereeing service systems with necessary customizations to the local requirements.
Keywords: referee, refereeing service, motivation, training system, retention, selection, promotion, gift, mentors, tutors, recommendation, program.
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