Concept of psychophysical training system of matrix design for female students
Dr.Hab., Professor I.S. Barchukov1
Dr.Hab., Professor G.V. Barchukova1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
The study was intended to develop and test the concept of psychophysical training methods and tools of matrix design on female students to facilitate their key physical qualities development process, with academic table tennis, badminton and tennis service at a few Russian universities chosen as subject to the study. The matrix design of the training system includes two modules, each of them composed of 4 boxes, with the left boxes giving physical qualities (speed, agility, flexibility and speed-strength endurance); and the right boxes featuring such mental qualities as thinking, memorizing, attention focusing and response qualities. The education and training system, competitions and experiments (educational process, factorial and game ones) gave a special priority to the physical and mental qualities being advanced on a harmonic basis. The conceptual psychophysical training system of matrix design for female students was found beneficial for their education/ coaching careers as verified by the progress of Experimental Group in the psychological and educational qualities and the table tennis, badminton and tennis group coaching skills.
Keywords: table tennis, badminton, tennis, psychophysical qualities, matrix design, concept .
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