Sport psychologist’s service: conceptions and expectations of coaches and junior athletes
Applicant K.M. Gura1
Dr.Hab., Professor I.V. Manzheley1
1Tyumen State University, Tyumen
The study makes an attempt to clarify service responsibilities and goals of a sport psychologist in the children and youth sports and introduces a notion of resource status and individual mental resource provisioning in sports. A questionnaire survey and interviews showed that the coaches expect more from a psychologist than claim i.e. their expectations and claims are addressed to the imaginary conception of a psychologist whose responsibilities, as they believe, are limited to mental support for the athletic performance and techniques rather than personality goals, priorities, motivations and values. It was found that the adolescent athletes generally perceive and describe their mental conditions in much clearer terms than the mental processes that may help mobilize the anticipated resource with an efficient assistance from a psychologist.
Keywords: children and youth sports, sport psychologist, interview, coaches' requests, athlete’s resource status, mental conditioning.
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