Mental status tests to select beginner football referees


PhD A.D. Budogossky1
Dr.Hab., Professor G.N. Grets2
Y.O. Savin3
S.N. Ignatiev1
1All-Russian Association "Football Referee Training Center", Moscow
2Olympic Academy of the West of Russia. Smolensk
3School of FC Barcelona in Russia, Moscow

The study analyzes benefits of the mental status tests for typing and selection of beginner football referees. The sample was categorized by a typing method of our own design by interviews and the L.N. Sobchik Personality Typing Questionnaire Survey to obtain the extra-/ introversion, sensitivity/ spontaneity, stenosis/ anxiety, rigidity/ lability rates in points, with the sample broken down by the following mental types: 1-2 points: hypo-emotional; 3-4 points: normal; 5-7 points: accentuated; 8-9 points: de-adapted types. The trainees (n=55) of the All-Russian Association ‘Football Referee Training Center’ were sampled for the prolonged survey. The study data and analysis showed the negligibly insignificant variations of the extra-/ introversion and sensitivity/ spontaneity test rates in the sample for the study period – that may be interpreted as indicative of the relevant personality qualities being genetically predetermined. It was found by the study that individualized mental (psychosomatic) typing driven selection of trainees for the beginner football referees training courses at every stage of the educational process is beneficial and should be ranked among the key components of their training system.

Keywords: football referee, beginner class, training center, professional selection, mental types and qualities, model test rates.


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