Job-related emotional burnouts of sport coaches



Dr.Hab., Associate Professor I.K. Latypov1
PhD, Associate Professor Z.T. Usmanova1
1Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Kazan

Presently in sport science a growing priority is given to the studies designed to detect, test, forecast, prevent and correct every manifestation of a job-related emotional burnout in sport coaches. The coach’s emotional burnout may be defined as the long-lasting health condition of professional highly determined for success albeit facing some problems in their careers as manifested in emotional draining, depersonalizing and underrating own professional accomplishments. Objective of the study was to detect, rate and analyze the coaches’ emotional burnouts in a few sport disciplines including competitive martial arts and football. Children and Youth Sport School (CYSS) trainers-instructors in martial arts (n-20) and football (n=20) were sampled for the study purposes. The sample was split up into the following three service-term-specific groups: under-10 years; 11-20 years; and 21+ years of service. The study data were subject to a comparative analysis to rate the service-specific burnouts in the sample. The study findings may be interpreted as indicative of the professional coaching service being highly exposed to the risk of a job-related burnout and, hence, the exposure needs to be closely controlled both by the risk group on its own and by the CYSS management.

Keywords: job-related emotional burnout, emotional burnout models, emotional draining, depersonalizing and underrating of own professional accomplishments.


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