Competitive progress rates in moscow double-event kettlebell lifting championships
PhD, Associate Professor Y.E. Yakubenko1
PhD, Associate Professor V.E. Smirnov2
1Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
The national sport science gives a priority to model characteristics of athletes in kettlebell lifting sport to improve the training systems and make them customizable to skill levels and weight classes. Objective of the study was to analyze the competitive progress rates in Moscow double-event kettlebell lifting championships for the period of 2010-2017 and use the study data to update the elite kettlebell lifters’ training systems. Subject to analysis for the purposes of the study were the best competitive accomplishments in the double-event 32kg kettlebell lifting championships, with the competitors classified into the following weight groups: (1) lightweight classes of 63kg, 68kg, 73kg and 78kg; and (2) heavyweight classes of 85kg, 95kg and 95+kg.
The double-event 32kg kettlebell lifting championships in Moscow are traditional to qualify the winners for the national teams for national and international competitions and titles of Masters of Sport and World Class Masters of Sport, with the qualifications providing a strong impetus for the kettlebell lifting sport promotion and popularity.
The study findings complemented by the training load logbooks are beneficial for the efforts to detect the bottlenecks in the kettlebell lifters’ training systems and for the Moscow picked team formation purposes; and, hopefully, for further progress of the Moscow team in the Russian regional rating table where it was only the 25th in 2010 and managed to make it into the top ten in 2016.
Keywords: kettlebell lifting sport, sport qualifications, kettlebell lift counts; training meso-cycle; weight classes; intensity zone.
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