Anthropometric, physiological characteristics and functionality rating tests and analysis in women’s strength sports
Associate Professor P.P. Nikolayev1
PhD, Associate Professor Y.V. Shikhovtsov1
PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Nikolaeva1
PhD, Associate Professor L.A. Ivanova1
M.N. Piskaykina1
1Samara State University of Economics, Samara
The study analyzes a few issues of importance for the anthropometric, physiological characteristics and functionality rating tests and analysis in the women’s strength sports. Input data for the study were mined in more than 100 national and foreign study reports. The sample anthropometric characteristics were obtained using an updated version of the V.V. Bunak’s method; the functionality was profiled by the cardiovascular system response to physical workloads ratings using the Ruffier indices and HR data; and wrist/ deadlift dynamometry was used to rate the muscular strength. The study was performed at Samara State University of Economics in 2015-18 to find, among other things, the gender-specific differences in the test rates that are critical for the competitive success in the women’s sport disciplines.
Keywords: female body, anthropometric / physiological characteristics / functionality specifics, strength sports.
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