Triple-actor didactics in physical education bachelor training process in context of anthropological approach



Dr.Hab., Professor R.K. Serezhnikova1
Dr.Hab., Professor N.Y. Shtreker1
Dr.Sc.Psych., Associate Professor I.P. Krasnoshchechenko1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.I. Kolesov2
1Tsiolkovsky Kaluga State University, Kaluga
2Pushkin Leningrad State University, St. Petersburg

The study analyses the triple-actor didactics model in the context of the educational anthropology driven consistent world outlook (values and priorities) and theoretical/ practical (instrumental) fundamentals for the academic progress facilitating educational provisions and environment. Any student’s activity may be described as the constant settlement of contradictions between the individual integral live system (personality) and objective conditions of the educational environment. The study provides theoretical grounds for the new physical education bachelor training system with totally different approaches to the educational process design in the educator-student-environment formats. The triple-actor education format shall be implemented via the interactive educator-student communication within the educational framework. The educational process scenario under the academic curriculum in the context of the triple-actor didactics shall be based on the hyper-medial presentations of the study materials with the relevant efficient visual and auditory toolkits; and with the optional and customizable textual structure management models to facilitate the learning process. Such an educational environment shall provide the following: communication tools for interaction with the general human culture database to secure data storage, management, presentation, transmission, processing and complementing in a most efficient manner; self-reliant studies assisted by the database; and high-intensity productive vertical and horizontal interactions of the educational process actors.

Keywords: physical education teacher, anthropological approach, triple-actor didactics, educational environment, bachelor training.


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