‘Conscientious corporality’ didactic technology applied for physical education of children with health limitations



N.G. Georgieva1
Dr.Biol., Professor Y.A. Bukov1
PhD, Associate Professor T.A. Zhmurova1
V.V. Chigidina1
PhD, Associate Professor Y.I. Shramko1
1V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol

Owing to the steady increase in the number of children and adolescents attributed to a special health group, innovative approaches are to be introduced into the physical education process for effective preventive and corrective work.
The study analyzes the ‘Conscientious Corporality’ didactic technology designed on a differentiated basis i.e. customizable to the actual needs and capacities of children with health limitations. The creative adaptive physical education elements of the new didactic technology help the trainees realize their negative conditions (aggression, fears, anxiety etc.), analyze own movements and bodily capacities, develop sensor satisfactions and manage the energy costs. The technology was designed with application of the theoretical and practical provisions by M. Feldenkrais and Joseph Pilates. The physical education module of the new didactic technology includes two semesters with a special emphasis on the educational process goals including trainees’ mental condition, somatic health and physical fitness improvements. The new didactic technology was found beneficial for the mental and somatic health and physical progress of children attributed to a special health group.

Keywords: didactic technology, corporeality centered methods, special health groups, physical education.


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