Respiration control practices to improve energy resource in women’s fitness



O.N. Burbanova1
Dr.Biol., Professor Y.A. Bukov1
I.A. Kovalskaya1
I.M. Belousova1
Master V.V. Kolenchenko1
1V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol

The study was designed to analyze benefits of the respiration control practices to improve the physicality and functionality in the 18-25 year-old women’s fitness group. The special cycled respiration control practices were found to build up the bodily energy resource as verified by the external respiration system functionality, physical working capacity and adaptability test rates. The practices were found of ergogenic and stimulating effects on the sample energy resource associated with improvements in the bodily aerobic capacities, somatic health and physical fitness test rates.

Keywords: ergogenic potential, functional capabilities, physical training, breathing exercises, ergogenic means.


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