Specific morphofunctional, psychological and hormonal-metabolic variations in academic adaptation period of first-year students
K.V. Sukhinina
Irkutsk State University, fitness center, Irkutsk
Objective of the study was to profile and theoretically analyze the adaptive variations of morphofunctional, psychological and hormonal-metabolic rates in the first-year students. For the purposes of the study we have analyzed the relevant reports in didactics, psychology, biology, physiology and medicine for the last 10 years to summarize the findings on the first-year students’ adaptation to the academic process with a special priority to the following: psychological changes versus academic disciplines; and morphofunctional and hormonal-metabolic changes (including changes in glucose, prolactin, cortisone, dehydroepiandrostenedione and leptin levels). The study data show that further more detailed research is needed.
Keywords: adaptation to studies, morbidity, students, psychological, morphofunctional,hormonal-metabolic changes.
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