Hydrokinesitherapy in systemic medical rehabilitation of children diagnosed with coxarthrosis
D.N. Eremin1
PhD, Associate Professor S.A. Tkachenko1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
The study analyzes the theoretical grounds for hydrokinesitherapy (therapeutic swimming) application in the systemic medical rehabilitation of children diagnosed with coxarthrosis. The degenerative and dystrophic pathologies and disorders have been on the rise in the national underage population for the last few decades, with the problem further complicated by the common underestimation of these musculoskeletal diseases, and with the modern medicine being still short of efficient therapeutic methods and tools to cure underage patients with coxarthrosis. The coxarthrosis treatment in the underage patients is still limited due to the theoretically grounded physical therapy and hydrokinesitherapeutic methods needed. Hydrokinesitherapy may be ranked among the most promising therapeutic methods as it secures good relaxation of muscles and prevents/ mitigates pain syndrome that is highly important for the children diagnosed with coxarthrosis. Modern hydrokinesitherapy is recommended for application as an ideal rehabilitation tool – mostly combined with physical therapy and manual massage to effectively relax and ease the total load on joints.
Keywords: coxarthrosis, hydrokinesitherapy, therapeutic swimming, hip joint pathology.
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