Physical education history discipline in academic educational system



I.P. Uymanova
Salavat Branch of Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Salavat

The existing school and academic physical education programs make provisions for studies of the physical education history. The mission of the Physical Education History discipline in the higher and secondary vocational training systems is to both expand the world outlook and deliver the basics of historical analysis in the context of the specialty-specific interests and motivations. Objective of the study was to rate attitudes of the future physical education specialists to the Physical Education History discipline and find the most efficient training methods and tools. Subject to a questionnaire survey under the study were the first-year full-time students (n=72) of the Physical Education and Sport Institute in Orenburg. The study data and analysis provide a basis for recommendation on the following: how the Physical Education History discipline should be implemented in the higher and secondary vocational training system; adaptive sports coverage in the content of the Physical Education History discipline; practice-prioritizing academic tasks for students; talismans for contests in the discipline; special services in academic workshops for schoolchildren and preschoolers; and interactive educational methods and technologies applicable in the audiences.

Keywords: history of physical education, physical education specialist, students, schoolchildren, physical education.


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