Ice hockey referee’s motor activity study



T.S. Kuchava1
A.A. Petrov1
V.S. Lvov1
A.N. Sasin1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

An ice hockey referee must be highly physically fit to secure the service quality. Objective of the study was to estimate the ice hockey referees’ motor activity in the Continental Hockey League (CHL) matches. The methods applied for the study purposes were theoretical and practical literature analysis, educational experiment, monitoring, match data records and analysis, video capturing and analyzing method and statistical data processing, with the following data mined for the analyses: average distance run per match; motor activity rate; heart rate (HR) variation over the match etc.
The referees (chief and line umpire) serving the Continental Hockey League matches were tested to cover 3100±345m per match, with the motor activity averaging 12.45±0.45min per period with considerable rest breaks. The game breaks were found to average 29.3±4.1min per period; and the HR was tested to vary in a wide range depending on the movement intensity: it averaged 164±6 beats per min during the match time – from 139±15 to 180±8 beats per min.

Keywords: ice hockey, Continental Hockey League (CHL), referee, umpire, Youth Hockey League, motor activity.


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