Chinese tai chi chuan gymnastics training method


A.V. Murashova
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk

The national sport community gives a high priority to the health improvement physical education methods including oriental training models such as Chinese Tai Chi Chuan gymnastics, one of Wushu versions. A detailed analysis of the Chinese Tai Chi Chuan gymnastics shows that the national system is still in need of a clear-cut consistent training method(s) for this discipline to be integrated into the national physical education and sports school. To bridge this gap, we have analyzed the Tai Chi Chuan gymnastics training model applied at Beijing Sport University versus the national training methods. We adapted the Beijing training model to the national requirements based on the N.A. Bernstein’s (founder of the national school of the human movement structure and control psychophysiology whose findings are widely applied in the national physical education and sport system till now) Human Movement Control Levels Concept. The adapted Tai Chi Chuan gymnastics training model benefits were rated by a set of objective and subjective progress rating criteria. The subjective progress rates (including somatic and mental health rates) were obtained by a questionnaire survey of the sample; and the objective functional and physical progress rates were obtained by the laboratory and training process tests.

Keywords: Tai Chi Chuan, methods, Tai Chi Chuan gymnastics training method.


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