Physical Education Bachelors’ general and professional competence building in verbal communication domain
E.O. Arkhipenkova1
PhD A.V. Ermakov1
V.S. Piyannikov1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
The study analyzes benefits of the new verbal communication skills building technology in application to the sport industry personnel training service on the whole and physical education bachelors’ general and professional competences in particular. Based on the prior analyses and monitoring, we offer a special training model including elements of the A.N. Strelnikova’s breathing exercises, Hatha yoga and diction developing exercises practiced on the move, including practices with sport equipment. The proposed training model was tested to keep unvaried the voice strength albeit notably improve the verbal communication quality by reducing the effects of the relevant common negative factors. One of the training model benefits is that it was tested to improve the voice flow range and reach i.e. the communication easiness and tolerance to interference. The new training model was found beneficial as it enables the teacher to advance mass communication skills, effectively establish contacts with the audience and improve the professional service quality.
Keywords: bachelor, competences, state educational standards, verbal communication, voice strength, voice flow range and reach.
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