ISU single skating judging system: impartiality improvement model
M. Ivanova1
Associate Professor D.B. Astakhov1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
The study analyzes the existing International Skating Union (ISU) judging system in application to singles routine merits, with a special emphasis on the subjective/ biased judging and scoring of the aesthetic/ artistic merits. We offer the routine merits scoring impartiality (objectivity) improvement model. Having analyzed the available literature on the subject, we found the technical merits of the routines being thoroughly analyzed and spelled out in clear-cut and specific requirements and rules as confirmed by many study reports. Based on the study data, we made an attempt to improve the artistic merits scoring system impartiality. Applied for the study purposes was a variety of methods including reference literature analysis, routine scoring criteria and descriptions, comparative analysis and synthesizing methods. Based on the study data and analysis, we offer the following updates to the existing judging system: four rating levels with account of the skater’s qualification, class, competing group and rank of competitive event; description of routine components scored by the updated judging system; and the relevant specific scoring requirements.
Keywords: figure skating, ISU Judging System, routine merits, aesthetic merits, scoring, scoring scale.
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