Standard football sport reserve training programs analysis
PhD, Professor A.V. Leksakov1
A.E. Vlasov2
E.M. Kalinin2
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
2All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Football Union", Moscow
The study analyzes standard football sport reserve training programs similar in their design and content, with the program requirements securing the training process with its elements being duly harmonized in the long-term training system. It should be noted, however, that despite the wide range of standard training programs for modern football sport schools/ academies, the practical progress and quality of the football sport reserve training – versus the process objectives and missions – is still not high enough in terms of the integrated football fitness in each of its components. Analysis of the practical implementation experience of the above programs shows that the valid children and youth football training systems are still overburdened with the practices designed to master the skills and abilities largely impractical for modern football. This programmatic pitfall makes the basic training systems low-efficient and irrelevant for the real modern football sport, with their training-stage-specific practices largely inefficient in the long-term training system.
Keywords: football sport reserve training, standard football sport reserve training programs, children and youth football, standard football sport reserve training programs analysis.
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