Federal sports training standard for chess sport: content analysis
Postgraduate student S.A. Varnavsky1
PhD, Associate Professor A.Ya. Gabbazova1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
The Federal Sports Training Standard (FSTS) for chess sport was approved by the Ministry of Sports Order #930 of October 12, 2015 to spell out the terms and requirements to the chess training process for the relevant sport institutions as provided by the Federal Law, with the FSTS providing a regulatory framework for the training systems, and with every sport school curriculum designed within this frame. The study analyzes the content and priorities of the above document, with the relevant chess literature, research data and practical progress reports of the sport schools/ groups/ sections analyzed versus the requirements of the Federal Sports Training Standard for chess sport. The study findings may be helpful for the chess instructors and coaches of junior chess players and for the initiatives to update and improve the Federal Sports Training Standard for chess sport.
Keywords: federal standard, chess, athletic training, education and training process.
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