Physical education and sports sector progress in Rostov region



PhD, Associate Professor T.A. Stepanova1
R.M. Olkhovsky2
PhD E.A. Vashchenko1
PhD N.V. Ryzhkin3
1Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don
2Rostov Regional Department of the All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Students Sport Union", Rostov-on-Don
3Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don

The study analyzes the physical education and sports sector progress data reported by the Rostov region for the last 5 years. The reporting data shows that, despite the notable progress of the academic physical education and sport services in the regional academic educational system, there remain quite a few problems that may be solved via relevant networking sport projects conditional on an inter-regional cooperation of the research and educational systems. Federal universities, leading universities, inter-university service centers and joint networking projects have been established in every region of the Southern Federal Territory. In terms of the educational service, research and development process concentration policies, it is the universities that should take the lead in many innovative projects including the networking ones. A list of such projects may include the professional advancement and retraining system for the academic personnel; special recruitment system for the regional physical education and sports sector; academic support for the elite training systems in different sports; academic sport research projects, including interdisciplinary research; innovative think tanks established at the universities etc.

Keywords: physical education, sports, students, education, youth.


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