Mental performance rates indicative of staff workaholism meaning excessive professional career motivations



Dr.Hab., Professor E.A. Levanova1
Dr.Sc.Psych., Professor L.V. Tarabakina1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor Т.V. Pushkareva1
PhD, Associate Professor Е.V. Zvonova1
Master A.S. Nesterenok1
1Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow

Workaholism is interpreted herein as one of the professional transformation forms facilitating individual adaptation to job environments. An empirical study gives the grounds for the conclusion that high success motivations and constructive aspects of job career motivations help develop individual professional progress models to cope with job-specific pressures, stressors and high-intensity regimen. A reasonable priority given by the corporate management to the staff physical activity control and management models may help prevent workaholism on the whole and its negative effects in particular.
Sampled for the study were the staff members provisionally diagnosed with workaholism by a variety of indications including systemic overtime (1+ hour) jobs; weekend jobs; early comebacks from vacations; obsessive keeping in touch and corresponding with workmates in the vacation period; business calls on weekends and post-/ pre-job hours; excessive enthusiasm on Mondays etc. The sampled and surveyed people rated themselves (and were rated by their families and friends) as workaholics.

Keywords: workaholism, motivation, adaptability, professional transformation, physical condition, health.


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