Conditions of increase of body hardiness of average preschool aged children
Conditions of increase of body hardiness of average preschool aged children
N.S. Martynyuk, associate professor, Ph.D. Brest state university named after A.S. Pushkin, Brest, Belarus. V.S. Martynyuk. Pre-primary school № 78, Brest, Belarus
Key words: junior schoolchildren, health, tempering technique, preparedness of tutors and parents.
Nowadays strengthening of children's health is one of the most acute tasks. Modern society makes high requirements to the work of preschool institutions, meant to lay the basis of strong health and harmonious development of child's personality. The analysis of the sports-recreational work in educational institutions testifies to the fact that at present such an important mean of physical education as tempering is underestimated in a lot of preschool institutions that plays an essential role in fitness improvement, health strengthening and prevention of cold-related diseases.
The purpose of the present research was to reveal in children and tutors the level of knowledge and skills on the tempering system in a preschool institution and in a family.
Conclusions. The overwhelming majority of teachers and parents understand the necessity of using special tempering procedures in preschool institutions with the priority combination of different types of tempering. Less than a half of tutors has enough knowledge and skills on health-improving tempering that along with the lack of due material base is a serious deterrent of using integrated tempering methods in preschool institutions and family.