Rating motivations of academic physical education specialists versus students’ attitudes to academic physical education service
PhD, Associate Professor G.V. Soldatova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Izotov2
I.V. Bobrov2
1St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Teacher Education, St. Petersburg
2St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg
Objective of the study was to find correlations of the academic physical education specialists’ motivations versus students’ attitudes to the academic physical education service. Subject to the study were the academic physical education teachers (n=22) varying in age and practical experience and students (n= 216) of different specialties, academic years and both sexes from National Mineral Resource Mining University. A modified version of the traditional questionnaire survey was applied to rate the educators’ motivations for the professional service; and the G.V. Lozovaya survey method was applied to rate the students’ attitudes to the educational service. The survey data and analysis showed a positive correlation of the academic physical education specialists’ motivations with the students’ attitudes to the academic physical education service. The correlation analysis demonstrated that the genuine (internal) professional motivations of the physical education teachers for the professional educational service, particularly the motivations for friendly relationship with the students; professional competency and motivations to keep fit; and due determination in the self-improvement and creative domains are the most influential on the students’ attitudes to the academic physical education.
Keywords: physical education, training sessions, motivations, satisfaction, educators, students.
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