Bioenergy rating basics in continuous and interval training models for skilled swimmers



Dr.Hab., Professor V.R. Solomatin1
Corresponding Member of RAE, Dr.Hab., Professor N.Zh. Bulgakova1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow

The study was designed to rate benefits and physiological effects of the continuous and interval training models in competitive swimming, with 10 junior skilled swimmers being subject to the experiment. The swimmers were tested by the continuous and interval swimming practices at the critical (1.6 m/s) and subcritical (1.5 m/s) flow rates in the water tunnel. The training effects in every practice were rated by the gas exchange (oxygen consumption, lung ventilation and non-metabolic CO2 excess) rates). It was found that due to the lower anaerobic shifts (ЕхсСО2) at the subcritical flow rate of 1.5 m/s the continuous swimming practices are more beneficial at such rates as verified by the sample progress in the aerobic capacity and training process efficiency. The swimming practices at the critical flow rate of 1.6 m/s are beneficial for the aerobic and vital capacity in the interval training model that secures somewhat higher anaerobic shifts and is recommended for the target progress in these aspects. The interval training at subcritical speed is recommended for application as a compensatory tool after glycolytiс anaerobic trainings. Immediate training effects of the studied training practices including continuous competitive distance training depends on the individual functionalities of the swimmers. When a priority is given to the anaerobic capacities of the junior swimmers tested with high oxygen consumption and ЕхсСО2 rates, the continuous training model with swimming at the critical and subcritical speeds is recommended. In case of the junior swimmers tested with the low rates, most beneficial is the continuous training model with swimming at the below-critical speeds.

Keywords: junior swimmers, aerobic and anaerobic working capacity, continuous and interval training models.


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