Survey of university students' attitudes to GTO complex in Moscow region



PhD N.V. Andrianova1
PhD, Associate Professor M.S. Veselkin1
1Moscow State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Kolomna, Moscow region

Objective of the study was to find the university students’ attitudes to the GTO Complex and the academic physical education on the whole. The sociological data were mined by a special electronic questionnaire survey form (autonomous version) developed by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation within the frame of a broader popular questionnaire survey on the physical education, sports and GTO Complex related matters. Subject to the questionnaire survey were the fourth-year students (n=125) majoring in the academic Pedagogical Education discipline at Kolomna State Social Humanitarian University (SSHU) in the Moscow region. The survey data were used to analyze the SSHU students’ attitudes to the GTO Complex implementation project in the national academic educational system. The study data and analysis of the future educators’ attitudes to the GTO Complex implementation project found a high untapped resource for the GTO Complex mission and goals to be popularized and attained.

Keywords: students, GTO Complex, physical education, students, Greco-Roman wrestling, physical culture, physical fitness.


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