Educational technologies in axiological self-determination of future physical education specialists
Dr.Hab., Professor V.D. Povzun1
Associate Professor, PhD V.V. Apokin1
1Surgut State University, Surgut
Considering the axiological self-determination of an individual as an educational phenomenon, as the process during which an individual finds meaning, goals and resources of his/her own life in the space and time of education, the authors present the experience of educational technologies applied in teaching pedagogical disciplines as a tool for axiological self-determination of a future specialist in the field of physical education in the conditions of university education. The study analyzes the practice of work Institute of Humanitarian Education and Sports of Surgut State University.
Authors believe, the use of modern educational technologies makes it possible to intensify the learning process, reduce the time for student's values formation process, activate his self-determination and conscious learning as a whole, which means that it is an effective tool for self-determination of an individual in the space and time of university education.
Keywords: educational technologies, student's axiological self-determination, university education.
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