Inclusive physical education



L.B. Sabitova1
T.A. Ponomareva1
V.M. Krylov2
1Sterlitamak Institute of Physical Culture (branch) of Ural State University of Physical Culture, Sterlitamak
2Sterlitamak Branch of Bashkir State University, Sterlitamak
The study analyzes origins of the health-impaired individuals’ inclusion in education systems with the national and foreign practical experiences of inclusive education; meanings and definitions of the terms ‘integration’ and ‘inclusion’. The study data show that the modern inclusive education implies both the technical provision for the education process and services of assistants and sign translators; adaptive education curricula; special methods, teaching aids and due information for the students; special education models and, hence, special trained human resource for the inclusive education service; and the inclusive education specialist training system for services to the health-impaired individuals’ and their inclusion in the education systems – in view of the fact that most of the teachers are not competent and skilled enough for the inclusive education service supported by the relevant practical education materials. On the whole, the inclusive education may be defined as the long-term strategy that requires patience, consistency, determination and a staged integrated implementation system.

Keywords: inclusive education, inclusion, higher education, personnel training.


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