Healthy lifestyle prioritizing culture building model for university students



PhD T.A. Kheruvimova1
PhD T.V. Kugusheva1
PhD D.A. Zubkov1
1Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky

The study analyzes the ways to improve the academic health standards and offers a healthy lifestyle prioritizing culture building model for university students, with the model including both class education (within the academic Life Safety discipline) and off-class education modules (Olympiads, excursions, mass physical education and sports events sponsored by the Ministry of Emergency Situations etc.). Special priority in the study was given to the following three interrelated components of the students’ healthy lifestyle building culture: cognitive, motivational and operational; with the relevant progress rating tools for each of these components; and with the relevant statistical data ranges (high, moderate and low). The new model was tested at the experimental base of Tchaikovsky Physical Education Institute in Tchaikovsky, Perm Territory. The healthy lifestyle prioritizing culture building model was found beneficial as verified by progress of the academic sample.

Keywords: higher education, students’ health protection, healthy lifestyle prioritizing culture.


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