Sport university student: social profile in academic environment



PhD, Associate Professor E.M. Fedoskina1
A.V. Fedoskin2
1Smolensk State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Smolensk
2Smolensk State University, Smolensk

The study analyzes data of the questionnaire survey of Smolensk State Academy of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism students designed to obtain their social profiles in the modern academic environments. An open-format personality profiling questionnaire form was designed in 2017; and subject to the survey were the first-to-fourth 18-21 year old students (n=475) including 12 Masters of Sport, 75 Candidate Masters of Sport, and 332 Class I-II Athletes.
The questionnaire survey showed that the statistically average student may be described as the communicative urban resident showing moderate academic progress, striving for an academic stipend, and having high ambitions in the academic and sporting domains. The multisided analysis of the social characteristics and expectations of the future physical education and sports specialists gives the means to improve the education and training process efficiency and facilitate the competency building in the academic process.

Keywords: questionnaire survey, students, opinion poll, physical education, sports, educational process.


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