Academic badminton team training process management efficiency
PhD, Associate Professor D.A. Ulyanov1
T.V. Gladkova1
Dr.Hab., Professor T.G. Kovalenko1
1Volgograd State University, Volgograd
The study considers in general outlines the academic badminton team training process management model with the relevant special practices and theoretical education module, with the model tested on the Volgograd State University (VSU) picked team. Subject to the study were Volgograd State University picked badminton team players (n=30) with totally academic sport careers (i.e. with no pre-academic sport experience) split up into Experimental Group (EG, n=15) and Reference Group (RG, n=15). The study was performed at the VSU sport complex in September through May of 2014-2016 academic years. The training process included progress tests and was designed in three stages. Stage 1 was designed to obtain the individual general physical fitness, speed, flexibility, strength and endurance rates and assess the technical and tactical skills and mental fitness. Stage 2 was designed to process the data on the training loads versus the competitive process requirements. And at Stage 3 the training system was designed.
The training process management model was proved beneficial as verified by the EG versus RG progress in the physicality, tactical and mental fitness rates and the competitive accomplishments (a few prizes won) in the academic badminton competitions in Volgograd. The study data give the grounds to conclude that modern badminton is the varied-intensity (low, moderate and high) sport discipline highly beneficial for the physical progress and general endurance development in academic sports.
Keywords: badminton, micro-cycle, picked team, training process, physical fitness.
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