Temperament-specific stress tolerance building model for group gymnastics routines
PhD I.S. Semibratova1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
Objective of the study was to step up the temperament-specific stress tolerance rates for the gymnastics group performance improvement. The study was designed to rate the gymnasts’ temperaments versus their stress tolerance rates to improve their performance in the group routines, with the rating data obtained by the relevant tests, expert questionnaire surveys and interviews. Based on the prior temperament-rating data, we identified the main external stressors of the highest negative effect on the gymnasts in the competitive process. The study data and analyses provided the grounds for recommendations on the temperament-specific stress tolerance building model application in the group gymnastics routines. The recommendations and model essentially assume that a special emphasis shall be made in every training session and every precompetitive training cycle on at least some of the key stressors/ distracters particularly harmful for one or another temperament, to train the gymnasts’ temperament-specific stress tolerance. At the end of each training week, an all-round model training session was run to test the gymnasts’ tolerance to all the stressors at a time.
Keywords: stress tolerance, external stressors, external and internal distracters, sport, competitions, rhythmic gymnastics, group routines.
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