'Internal measure of present' as success factor in physical trainings and sports



PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Astakhov1
K.W. Shishov1
1Tsiolkovsky Kaluga State University, Kaluga

The study analyzes the individual perceptions of a 13-second time span (referred to herein as the ‘internal measure of present’) versus individual biorhythms, with the study findings applicable both in the health physical training and competitive athletic training systems. Biorhythms are known to largely determine the success of physical trainings and sport competitions. Trainees subject to the experiment were proposed to compute their individual 23-day biorhythms and locate the most precise test time spans on the diagrams. The experimental data and analyses showed that the male and female individual perceptions of the 13-second time span were the most accurate in the positive and negative phases of the biorhythms, respectively.

Keywords: physical training and sports, biorhythm, time factor, internal measure of present.


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