Key provosions for success of GTO complex tests at schools
Dr.Hab., Professor L.I. Lubysheva1
Dr.Hab., Professor L.A. Semenov2
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow
2Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut
The article considers the interrelated and largely interdependent key provisions for success of the GTO Complex tests at schools including: due motivations, goal-centered process management, corrective emphasis, progress monitoring, programmatic provisions, sporting, special priority to the off-class/ off-school physical education models, and the physical education specialist professional competency building system. It should be noted that due motivations and individualized training for the GTO Complex tests may not be successful enough unless supported by the goal-centered process management with a corrective emphasis in the training process focused on success in the categorical GTO Complex tests. Both the goal-centered process management and corrective efforts shall be planned by the relevant training program to set the age-specific goals and content for every session. Success of such training program on the whole shall be secured by the relevant methodology driven by the sporting (as the sixth basis provision) with a special priority to the off-class/ off-school physical education models (the seventh provision) for the GTO Complex tests. We believe that the physical education specialist will play a special role in the above key provisions being implemented in practice, with the specialist professional competency building system being one of the key provisions for the process success.
Keywords: GTO Complex, training system, provisions, school children.
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