The effect of space on human body need for motor activity


A.V. Astakhov, Ph.D.


The effect of space on human body need for motor activity
A.V. Astakhov, Ph.D., Kaluga state university named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Kaluga
Key words: need for motor activity, gravity field, change in cardiac rate.
Man has been moving a lot for centuries, resulting in his program to quite strong physical load. Nowadays we spend incomparably less physical efforts to provide for personal existence resulting in modern diseases like hypertension, coronary disease, obesity etc.
The purpose of the present research was to consider the influence of space on the human body need for motor activity.
In the authors' opinion, the need for motor activity can be caused by some other reasons, e/g/ the effect of the gravity field of planets of the Solar system. According to one of hypotheses macroobjects of the universe interchange energy on ultralow gravity frequencies.
The researchers tried to correlate changes in body weight of a cosmonaut and change in cardiac rate. Knowing how the travelling to other planets cosmonaut's body weight changes in view of gravity they calculated his cardiac rate at rest.
While analyzing the data of the table special attention was paid to human heart rate in conditions of the giant planet Jupiter, where the minimum value of heart rate was 28,6 strokes a minute commensurable to the minimum value of heart rate of professional athlete on Earth.
According to the calculations the total duration of daily specific physical load is to be not less than 35 minutes at heart rate of under 118 strokes a minute. The refusal of performance of such physical load will result in diseases of hypokinesia.
If human body sensitivity to gravity effects is approved in further researches the task will be to study the rules of these effects and to use them in sports and health-improving practice.
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