Sports philosophy as metascientific discipline


A.A. Peredel'skiy, Dr.Hab.


Sports philosophy as metascientific discipline
A.A. Peredel'skiy, Dr.Hab., Russian state university of physical culture, sport, youth and tourism, Moscow
Key words: philosophic-scientific disciplinary matrix, sociocultural research program, hypothetic deductive philosophic research of sport, sociopedagogical system.
The purpose of the present research was to consider sports philosophy as a metascientific discipline, as a discipline with continuation, development, realization in more certain scientific and practical fields, as a theoretical nucleus forming system knowledge, specialized practice of sport.
The statement on metascientific character of sports philosophy acquires more certain and clear essence, contents in case of introducing to the sphere of analysis of some principles forming an heuristic and epistemological passage of the research work in the marked subject field.
The principles of innovation, system and metascientific character are supposed to act first in a number of such positively directing, regulating and interpreting principles.
First they supposed and then proved in brief that the use of allocated principles reveals the capacity of integrated theoretical-empiricstudy resulting in systematically formed practical recommendations in any of the fields of sports life.
The considered principles of innovation, system, metascience testify to relative unity of philosophic scientific disciplinary matrix (as a part of modern sociocultural research program) with its other parts (religious, political, artistic and routine).
The studies resulted in the conclusion that the allocated basics and stages of development of the mechanism of work of philosophic-scientific disciplinary matrix were useful for researchers in any sphere of sport, sports activity as a sociocultural phenomenon.