Management of muscle tone in sports wrestling
PhD, Associate Professor V.A. Kuvanov1
Lecturer (Physical Education Department) Е.N. Korostelev1 Lecturer (Physical Education Department) A.V. Zaitsev1
1St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg
Modern competitive wrestling gives a special priority to the active and conscious muscular relaxation techniques applicable after strength building practices, with the relaxation degrees dependent on the training process intensities – in view of the fact that not every muscle fiber relaxes after stresses much in the same manner as not every muscle fiber contributes to the muscle contraction process. It should be noted that an untimely/ incomplete relaxation of the antagonistic muscles may create extra resistance to the key working muscles and thereby increase the energy demand. And vice versa, the muscle relaxation and tension process control ability helps make the physical performance more effective and energy-efficient, with the muscle performance variations measurable by a myotonemeter.
Keywords: muscle tonus, competitive wrestling, physical relaxation, muscle strength, strength abilities.
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