Service personnel physical fitness as a core element of combat fitness for antiterrorist missions


Dr.Hab., Professor V.L. Pashuta1
PhD, Associate Professor V.А. Belyaev1
1Military Institute of Physical Culture, St. Petersburg

The study analyzes some issues of the military service personnel physical fitness for antiterrorist missions. The antiterrorist missions of the RF Armed Forces generally include the operations to: encircle the target zone; block the key objects/ areas in the zone; detect the illegal paramilitary units (IPU) within the encircled zone, locate, disarm them and destroy their bases; crush the IPU; take control of the IPU territory; establish the security, raiding and checkpoint systems in the conflict zone; establish the security and defense systems at the key objects; defend the target area on the national/ regional frontier; secure the communications system in the zone including the transport convoys; establish a law-enforcement and communal security system within the zone; disarm the local communities; reinforce the public security systems and checkpoints; establish special access regimen in the conflict zone etc.

Practical experience of the antiterrorist missions has shown that success of the mission largely depends on how physically and mentally fit and balanced the servicemen are for the mission, since every mission requires from the personnel to be highly tolerant to the physical and mental stresses.

Keywords: physical fitness, antiterrorist mission, combat fitness, physical status, combat skills.

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