Municipal physical education and sports system: systemic innovations to prevent juvenile delinquency



Dr.Hab., Professor O.A. Selivanova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.V. Khromin1, 2
A.A. Krayev2
1Tyumen State University, Tyumen -
2Tyumen City Administration, Tyumen

Keywords: crime prevention, physical education and sports, juvenile delinquency, systemic innovations, infrastructure, integration, intensification.

Background. Juvenile delinquency stays high on the list of the top priority challenges faced by the modern Russian society. The national and local governments take persistent efforts to control juvenile delinquency albeit actual progress in this field still leaves much to be desired. Presently the ongoing research in the crime prevention domain gives a high priority to the mechanisms and fundamental provisions to create a multisided and multilevel crime prevention system to control crime on the whole and some of its types in particular including juvenile delinquency, habitual crimes, organized crime etc. Within this frame strategy, due efforts are taken to neutralise or mitigate the existing crimogenic (crime-conducive) factors and reinforce the crime-control (restricting) factors in every local community.

Juvenile behavioural deviations and delinquency may be effectively prevented and/or mitigated in a timely manner only when: the existing crime prevention system is duly updated to effectively unite efforts of the contributors to the process; the relevant preventive procedures are persistently de-bureaucratised; the crime prevention initiatives are duly designed and managed as required for success of the process subjects, objects and available preventive tools; and every system reform/ updating action is designed on the consistent and systemic innovative basis. One of the classics of Japanese marketing system, Professor M. Simaguty, defines the XXI century as the epoch of systemic innovations when the economies and social sectors shall be developed so that to form absolutely new innovative systems including social values systems, leadership securing systems, client service management systems etc. [7]. Systemic innovations mean, as provided by modern science, the consistent solutions of high synergic and multiplication positive effects geared to address fundamental causes of systemic problems and optimise and activate operations of every key element in the system/sector/ organisation including its management, marketing, IT, PR, operational culture etc., to facilitate its progress on an uninterrupted and sustainable basis [2, 4]. The systemic innovations imply multisided cooperation of individuals, corporations and local communities in the project implementation activity. The systemic innovative projects shall be designed to accumulate new practical experience, invest in the communal cultures and advance the relevant social practices.

The systemic innovative initiatives pivotal for success of the federal, regional and municipal social reforms may be beneficial only when their practical developments are accepted and furthered by the sector-level management systems. The juvenile delinquency prevention strategies shall be designed with a high priority given to the initiatives to engage adolescents and young people in the local physical training and sporting activities so that to secure high-quality of the crime prevention agenda by means of habitual physical culture and sports [3, 8].

Objective of the study was to explore juvenile delinquency prevention benefits of systemic municipal physical education and sports management and advancement initiatives.

Study results and discussion. For the last few years, the Tyumen municipality has been successful in implementing systemic innovative projects in the municipal physical education and sports system geared to improve the efficiency and quality of the health services provided to the local young population with a special emphasis on the innovative youth physical training and sports policies and practices.

The consistent systemic innovations may be classified into the following key components and efforts to:

  • Establish municipal clusters of physical training and sports facilities based on the social situation monitoring studies;
  • Prudently design and manage physical education and sport activities in the local communities;
  • Control the youth sports management quality;
  • Effectively integrate the relevant basic/ general, advanced and professional education services; and
  • Promote municipal physical education and sports projects by due communication, marketing and informational support activity [9].

Most of the municipal initiatives make a special emphasis on the crime prevention aspect. Thus the social situation monitoring component of the projects to form municipal clusters of the physical training and sports facilities implies local demographic, criminal, social and psychological communal situations and environments being thoroughly studied to duly customise the newly formed clusters in their design and content to the actual demands of the local communities for the basic and advanced physical education and training services including variable modules of physical training and health improvement projects to cater for demands of the local communities.

For example, it was based on the summer recreation infrastructure assessments that the Sporting Summer Project was implemented in the municipal summer camps with a special emphasis on the following sports: futsal, tourism, taekwondo, Russian ethnic ‘lapta’ game, dance sport, carting, rugby, streetball and athletic gymnastics on parallel bars. The Project made it possible to effectively socialise the adolescent population that could otherwise be left on the streets in summer of 2016: the Project was reported to provide health services to 4,470 adolescents from 46 municipal schools and 17 advanced education establishments for the three summer months. Furthermore, the Local Communal Physical Training Project (that implied sport instructors’ services to the local communities in the time convenient for them) reportedly recruited as many as 3,846 previously non-sporting people to the regular physical training activity.

It is via an efficient integration of the physical education services provided by the basic/ general, advanced and vocational education systems that the local adolescents and young people (including those qualified with the risk groups) have been engaged in the local physical training and sporting projects including the Project of Selective Physical Education for 9-11-graders, General Education School Sports Project and Academic Physical Education Sportization Project.

The Project of Selective Physical Education for 9-11-graders, for instance, was designed to promote the adolescents’ interest in physical training and sports and thereby improve their physical development and fitness rates and facilitate their socialisation process. The Project was basically intended to efficiently advance the traditional school physical education process by means of modern athletic training tools and motivations for naturally favoured sports. Trainings under the Project took 2 hours twice a week, with an additional hour provided in the advanced educational system. As things now stand, the Project has been implemented at 14 schools with 3,328 students reported to benefit from it.

The General Education School Sports Project helps efficiently motivate school children for sports in their leisure time thereby contributing to the local crime prevention agenda. Presently the Project offers 16 sport disciplines to schoolchildren in regular 3 class hours and off-class time. The Project is reported to serve about 5,000 children from 18 municipal schools, with the following schools and associations contributing to the integrated sport service system: Children’s and Youth Olympic Reserve Sport School (CYORSS) #3; Secondary Education School #22; ‘Rubin’ Association; Secondary Education School #63; Judo Centre; CYORSS #1; Secondary Education Schools #70 and 68; ‘Vodnik’ Association; Secondary Education School #91; ‘Fortuna’ Association; Secondary Education School #38 and many others. The joint efforts to integrate basic/ general/ advanced and vocational education services include special crime prevention projects: for example, Safe Maturation Project, Preventive Kaleidoscope Project and some others. The projects are designed to engage, on a habitual basis, every educational process entity (adolescents, families, coaches and instructors) in integrated crime preventive educational, corrective, consulting and other services geared to prevent juvenile intolerance, alcohol/ drug addictions, suicides etc. The above projects have been reported to cover more than 120,000 people a year. Such projects as the Russian Schoolchildren’s Movement Project; Young Municipal Administration Project; Municipal School of Volunteers Project; Instructor Project and some others implemented at the same time in every relevant sector and general education establishment offer a diverse menu of socially favourable activity options for adolescents and young people, with each of the projects heavily contributing to the juvenile crime prevention agenda of the municipality. The productive cooperation of the municipal and private physical education and sport institutions, businesses and non-governmental organizations in the above project activity gives the grounds to state that the municipal government has successfully formed the crime prevention infrastructure in the local communities (‘micro-socium’ as provided by V.G. Bocharova). Thus the municipal contract with local fitness clubs secured regular free training services for a few privileged categories of adolescents. As of July 01, 2017, 28 local fitness clubs were reported to provide full sets of free social services and acting as partners at municipal sport events, group training sessions for children, adolescents and pensioners; including 5 fitness clubs that provide free GTO Complex test services.

One more example of the networking cooperation efficiency is the municipal Cyber Patrol Project that provides a platform for cooperation of the municipal Department for Sports and Youth Policies, Regional Crime Prevention and Rehabilitation Centre, Modern Communications Agency, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tyumen, Commission for Underage Service, Prosecutor’s Office in Tyumen and other shareholders of the municipal crime prevention system including a few voluntary associations of the local communities. Their joint efforts under the Cyber Patrol Project have made it possible to detect more than 900 websites suspected to offer officially banned content for 2016; establish a 24-hour service to trace adolescents engaged in suicidal networking and game activities; and secure, on a permanent basis, safe access of the relevant groups to the Internet.

Communicative marketing service and informational support for the physical education and sports advancement initiatives imply the awareness and crime preventive activity with a special emphasis on the adolescent and young population to purposefully cultivate in the municipal informational universe healthy lifestyles, fashion for socially and mentally healthy images and behavioural models etc. [6]. The relevant goals are attained by prudent promotion of the healthy leisure-time activities including health-centred sports supported by the relevant infrastructure; efficient feedbacks from the local communities enjoying the sporting services to event organisers and project implementing agencies; large-scale public awareness campaigns designed to support the project activities and events including due media coverage; actions to support the relevant groups of enthusiasts in the social networks; the relevant promotion actions designed and implemented in close cooperation with the local media organisations etc.

The above reported systemic innovative project activities have been beneficial for the municipal crime prevention activity as verified by the following reported data: numbers of serious and gravest crimes, disorderly conducts, assaults for robbery, offences in public areas and thefts were reported to fall by 20%, 77%, 66%, 33% and 11% in 2017 versus 2016, respectively [5].

Conclusion. The study data and analyses demonstrate practical benefits of the systemic innovative project activity in the municipal physical education and sports system for prevention of juvenile delinquency and behavioural deviations.


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The study analyses practical benefits of the systemic innovative project activity in the municipal physical education and sports system for prevention of juvenile delinquency and behavioural deviations. The integrated systemic innovations may be classified into the following key components and  efforts to: establish municipal clusters of physical training and sports facilities based on social situation monitoring studies; prudently design and manage physical education and sport activities in the local communities; control the youth sports management quality; effectively integrate relevant basic/ general, advanced and professional education services; and promote municipal physical education and sports projects by due communication, marketing and informational support activity. The study reports practical benefits of the systemic innovative projects in Tyumen including: reductions in the reported statistics of serious and gravest juvenile crimes in the first quarter of 2017; and reduction in the reported disorderly conducts, assaults for robbery, offences in public areas and thefts.