Short-term effect of Semax 0.1% peptide neurotransmitter on archers' mental performance rates



Dr.Biol., Professor R.V. Tambovtseva1
Master’s degree student D.I. Sechin1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow

Objective of the study was to analyze the short-term effects of Semax 0.1% peptide neurotransmitter on the archers’ mental performance rates, with Sport Psycho-physiologist Computerized Test system applied as the base test instrument. The Experimental Group versus Reference Group test results were different in the response rates to light and noise. The (hand) response rates to light and noise and selection response rates were found to in a linear correlation with the fat mass and bodily water percentages. The visual and auditory response rates of the tested archers were found to significantly improve upon administration of Semax 0.1% peptide neurotransmitter.

Keywords: Semax 0.1%, peptide neurotransmitters, mental performance, ergogenic agents, metabolism, sports.


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