Short-term effect of Semax 0.1% peptide neurotransmitter on archers' mental performance rates



PhD S.V. Mukhaev1
Dr.Hab., Professor L.А. Semenov2
1Enisey Basketball Club, Krasnoyarsk
2Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut

The article analyses the ways to implement and operate modern sport technologies in the athletic training systems with an emphasis on their implementation and adaptation to new environments. The authors considered the technologies operation specifics versus their implementation and adaptation requirements in different physical education and sports sector domains to find the key logics and application principles for the modern sport technologies being successfully applied by the relevant athletic training systems in high-intensity sport disciplines. The logics and principles provide the theoretical and practical grounds to develop a sport technology implementation and adaptation mechanism applicable to new operation environments. A special emphasis was made on the logics of the modern sport technology application in high-intensity sport disciplines, with the application potential determined by the following: essential requirements and benefits of the technology in the context of the discipline-specific competitive process; operation efficiency of the applied technology in the new process environment conditional on its core being retained; nature of the applications in the context of theory and practice of the subject sport discipline versus the technology class etc.

Keywords: sport technologies, technology application logics and principles, theoretical and practical grounds for technology application.


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