Physical condition rates correlation analysis of cadets of military institute of national guard troops of the RF



Postgraduate A.A. Smirnov
Perm Military Institute of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, Perm

Objective of the study was to find correlations of the muscular energy supply, physical fitness, spirometric, and psycho-physiological test rates in the cadets of Military Institute of the National Guard Troops of the RF. The study was performed at a training centre of Perm-based Military Institute of the National Guard Troops of the RF, with 40 third-year cadets being subject to the study. Applied for the study purposes were the following methods and calculations: spirometry; psycho-physiological tests; functionality and bodily reserve capacity express-tests by D&K Test System; educational process experiment; and the Pearson's linear correlation coefficient calculations. The study data were indicative of the muscular energy supply rates being in direct correlation with the test performance time i.e. local muscular endurance rates. In the test management scenarios giving enough time for the muscular rehabilitation by switching to some other muscular groups or giving sufficient relaxation periods in between the movement cycles, the performance was found to largely depend on the external respiratory functions. Individual performance in the Standard Obstacle Course test was largely determined by the lower limb working capacity; while the Pull-ups on Horizontal Bar test was found universal i.e. giving the test rates extensively correlated with the other test rates. The study data and analyses showed the need in the standard physical fitness test program applied by the military academies being complemented by a few local muscular endurance and bodily system working capacity rating tests. It is also important to flexibly customize the cadets’ physical training tools with a special emphasis on the high-intensity practices with due account of the muscular energy supply types.

Keywords: muscular energy supply, high-intensity practices, spirometry, local muscular endurance, functional fitness.


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