'Healthy generation for strong region' sporting education project benefits for school physical education



Dr.Hab., Professor A.Yг. Kostarev1
Dr.Hab., Professor G.M. Yulamanova1
PhD, Associate Professor T.F. Yemeleva1
Postgraduate R.R. Ismagilova1
1Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla, Ufa

The study analyzes benefits of the ‘Healthy Generation for Strong Region’ Sporting Education Project implemented in the school system of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Subject to the focused physical conditioning education under the Project were 1-4 grade school students, with 6 physical conditioning hours added to their regular 3 academic physical education hours per week. The Project training program offered theoretical studies, meetings with sport celebrities, sport festivals, trainings and qualifications for the GTO Complex tests and special trainings in the sport disciplines of special priority for the specific municipal districts/ counties. The training process under the Project was managed by the school physical education instructors acting as the sport school trainers supported by the relevant practical instruction materials. Indispensable theoretical and practical support to the Project implementation group was provided by a multidisciplinary research team of 12 analysts from the Physical Education Department of Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla. The research team applied a variety of the process monitoring tools, computerized systems, software tools, information technologies and expert examinations to track the physical progress of every trainee and offer the individualized corrective and preventive programs when necessary. The study data and analyses demonstrated benefits of the Sporting Education Project for the school physical education process as verified by the trainees’ physical progress in the physical development and fitness rates and overall health rates.

Keywords: Sporting Education Project, physical fitness, integral health rates, general education school.


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