Theoretical aspects of Russian physical culture and sports GTO complex reinstatement project



PhD, Associate Professor O.V. Strizhakova1
Dr.Biol., Professor V.А. Orlov1, 2
O.B. Fetisov2
1International University in Moscow, Moscow
2Institute of Biomedical Problems of RAS, Moscow

Subject to consideration in the article are the educational and cultural impacts of the GTO Complex tests on the relevant population groups, with the GTO tests design and practices that largely exclude education establishments being subject to a special criticism. The study analyzes the group-specific informational campaigning required to keep the people duly informed on the physical fitness tests and the relevant rating criteria and requirements; offers upgrades to the test system with an emphasis on the health rates of special importance for the population groups; and outlines benefits of a digital data processing and analytical system for the sector to facilitate group-specific physical progress verifiable by the tests.

Keywords: physical fitness rates, health resource, functionality reserves of bodily systems, working capacity.


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