Regional physical culture progress rating
Professor S.M. Obukhov1
PhD, Associate Professor N.B. Obukhova1
1Surgut State University, Surgut
Objective of the study was to find the most informative regional physical culture progress rates with the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region taken as a subject to the case study. The available reported statistical data on the physical culture and sport progress in the region and some other relevant data and analyses showed that the regional population engaged in mass physical training and sport reportedly grows faster than some other progress rates including the maximum service capacity of the sport facilities, numbers of trainers etc. The relevant regional statistical reports were found misleading in some aspects due to the inconsistency of the existing reporting system for different sport institutions. The study data and analyses showed that most informative in the set of the regional physical culture progress rates at this juncture are the reported shares of the sporting population, served population per trainer and the time variations of these progress rates.
Keywords: physical culture, analysis, statistical data, region.
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