Physical education and health improvement environment building for students with disabilities




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №1 2018, pp.37-39

Professor, Honoured coach of Russia M.P. Spirina1
PhD, Associate Professor V.P. Shlykov1
1Ural Federal University (UrFU), Ekaterinburg

Objective of the study was to provide grounds for the physical education and health improvement environment building for students with disabilities (SD) based on the accumulated practical experience. Analyses and summaries of the national and foreign study reports on the subject, own long-term practical experience, education process monitoring, tests and questionnaire surveys were applied to develop an individualized health-improvement and development system for students with disabilities with the individual trajectories customized to their needs and abilities. The health-improvement physical education model was applied and tested to assess its potential for the health-deficient students’ rehabilitation and social adaptation with the relevant special education process tests and support tools. The study underlines the need for the students with disabilities to be engaged in the relevant mass sports and cultural events and activity. The proposed individualized health technology of the authors’ design was proved to be beneficial for the projects to establish facilitating physical education and health environment for students with disabilities.

Keywords: students with disabilities, accessible education environment, educational process support, health-improvement physical education, rehabilitation, social adaptation.


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