Benefits of major sport events for regional physical culture and sports promotion agenda




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №1 2018, pp.19-21

Dr.Hab., Professor L.A. Rapoport1
PhD, Associate Professor A.E. Terentyev1
Master's student E.V. Kharitonova1
1Ural Federal University (UrFU), Ekaterinburg

The study analyses the ways to find and employ benefits of major sport events for the regional physical culture and sports promotion agenda, with the Sverdlovsk region taken for the case study. Subject to an analysis under the study are the major sports events hosted by the region; potential impacts of the 2018 Football Championship on the Russian economy and infrastructure; influences of the major sport events on the social and education development initiatives in the region; and the potential benefits of the major sports events for the physical culture and sports sector of the Sverdlovsk region. The study data give the reasons to conclude that the reasonably integrated and prudent provincial policies to host the major sport events shall be geared to: employ in the best possible manner the provincial tangible and intangible assets; facilitate the socio-economic development projects in the region, particularly in the physical education, sports and tourism sectors; and mitigate/ prevent risks of the potential negative costs of the major sport events.

Keywords: major sport events, intangible heritage of major sport events, regional physical culture and sports development projects.


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