Conscripts' health and physical fitness rating study
Postgraduate O.A. Ivanova1
PhD, Associate Professor Т.А. Stepanova1
1Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
Subject to the yearly conscription in Russia nowadays are more than 140 thousand young people. The article analyses the integrated health rating data of the 18 year-old conscripts recruited by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the service in the Northern Caucasus District in the period of 2004 through 2016 – in order to assess their fitness for the combat missions. The health data and analysis showed physical progress of the conscripts for the study period albeit the overall physical development rates of the young men versus the service fitness standards were ranked ‘unsatisfactory’ despite the low reported sickness rates, generally adequate physiological reserves and, hence, fair serviceability of the young men. The study data is recommended to be taken into account by the relevant military personnel physical training and development program developers.
Keywords: health groups, military personnel physical training, physical development.
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