Musical-rhythmic education aspects of academic gymnastics course
PhD, Associate Professor J.V. Korichko1
PhD, Associate Professor A.R. Galeev1
1Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk
The study analyses the musical-rhythmic education aspects of an academic gymnastics course for students majoring in sporting and non-sporting disciplines; and outlines the key factors of influence on the vocational musical-rhythmic culture building in future physical education specialists by the relevant musical-rhythmic education tools. The study summarizes the outcomes of the education process monitoring and academic progress rating in the musical-rhythmic culture building process. The authors come to conclusion that the academic musical-rhythmic education course for the students majoring in sporting and non-sporting disciplines helps develop special competencies; accumulate valuable musical and motor experience; master motor skills of different difficulty levels; and develop a range of the overall, vocational and applied motor skills and abilities. The academic musical-rhythmic education course and the relevant tools, as we found, help (1) expand the range of the vocational competences and competitiveness of the future education specialists; (2) equip them with a multisided musical-rhythmic motor experience; and (3) develop their creativity by the academic class and off-class physical education curricula applicable by different education establishments.
Keywords: musical-rhythmic culture, vocational applied skills, academic physical and aesthetic culture, musical-rhythmic training.
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