Rating stressors in academic examinations and sport competitions
Dr. Biol., Associate Professor T.E. Batotsyrenova1
Master's student М.М. Oleinik1
Postgraduate M.M. Blokhin1
M.E. Dmitrieva1
1Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Vladimir
The study offers a stress rating method in application to the stressors faced by university students during academic examinations and sport competitions, with the method being largely based on the heart rate variability data [2]. We completed two rounds of tests under the study during the senior students’ examination session prior to and after the qualification thesis (QT) defending and during the academic boxing tournament. The test data were processed by the commonly accepted standard mathematical statistical toolkit.
The functionality data prior to and after the qualification thesis (QT) defending and during the academic boxing tournament showed some of the vegetative system functionality indices including HR and arterial pressure rate being too high. The high mental, emotional and physical stresses in the academic boxing competitions and modern sports on the whole were found to be of high effect on the sporting students’ functionality.
Keywords: students, stress, heart rate variability, sport, competition, examination session.
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